Whether you have straight, heavy, bob or any other type of hair style; you might fail to impress people if your hair are full of dandruff. No matter how gorgeous your hair growth is or how stylish hair styles you carry; if your hair look full of dandruff; it might not play in your favour.

If you love to carry stunning hair styles then you have to pay attention to your hair care. Youcan use the Best anti dandruff shampoo for ladies and make sure that your hair does not house dandruff. Once your hair is filled with dandruff, every type of hair type would look messy and really fizzy. You would not wish to have that white dotted hair right?

Embarrassing moments

Have you ever noticed someone in your circle or otherwise suffering from extensive dandruff? You have no idea what type of humiliations they go through. They feel embarrassed and even start avoiding social functions and gatherings because of their dandruff thing. Of course, what if you are out on a date with your man and he points out dandruff on your shoulders or hair? It would be too cranky right? You might find it as one of the biggest insults of your life right? Such things sound easy to digest but take whole up of days or weeks to swallow them.  If you wish to eradicate embarrassing moments from your life then make sure that you have cleaned up your hair in a proper manner and with a right product.


You would not appreciate the fact that you are getting less socialised because of your dandruff issue right? Maybe you want to go to that party but you are afraid that your dandruff puts you in an awkward situation. You might wish to become the part of those presentations but feel fearful to give a presentation because of the fear of dandruff shedding on your shoulders. Yes, it is not an imaginary thing, it is the fact. You cannot simply embrace anti-socialism in your life because of dandruff issues. If you haven’t done anything so far, you can take up some quick moves now like:

  • Wash your hair three times a week.
  • Don’t be in a hurry while you wash your hair. Make sure that you rinsed the shampoo properly.
  • Give a shampoo at least two weeks of time to work for you.
  • Don’t allow oiliness or dryness to take refuge in your hair.
  • Make sure that you are using the right products only and not playing randomness in this area.

Once you are conscious about what you are doing for your hair care and how you are doing it all; you can make sure that your hair are clean, steady, hygienic and dandruff free.


So, you can use the shampoo Ketomac and make sure that you are not suffering from any type of hair conditions. After all, you want to flaunt that attractive hair style of your right?