Swiss Watch

Even in our high-tech world, nothing can beat the elegance and sophistication of a quality watch. From precious metal to fine Italian watches with leather straps to Swiss timepieces, there are dozens of watch types to choose from. Each choice sends out a subtle message about your personality and style.

For example, those who prefer timeless classicism or understated elegance often opt for Italian watch brands. If you want to be appreciated for your sartorial sensibilities and luxurious tastes, a Swiss-made is likely to be your favorite. And if a watch is for practically telling time, a Japanese quartz watch is likely to adorn your wrist.

In the world of watches, there is a hierarchy, and on the very top are the Swiss-made watches. Swiss made has become synonymous with precision, quality, and durability. To own a Swiss watch is the epitome of luxury, and they are often generational handed down from parent to child over and over again. But are the costs of these expensive timepieces justified? Does it make sense to spend thousands of dollars on an apparatus that at the end of the day will do nothing but tell time?

To understand why we pay so much for a label, you have to understand the Swiss watchmaking industry. Did you know that it was not the Swiss but a German who conceived the idea of the modern-day wristwatch? While the English added precision, the Swiss added style and quality to timepieces. The Japanese soon overturned Swiss dominance with their automatic quartz watches, causing massive unemployment in the watchmaking industry.

The Swiss then had to reinvent themselves with clever marketing and strategizing and created watches which became a symbol of luxury. Companies such as Rolex positioned their watches as jewelry while Tag Heuer marketed their timepieces as sporty. Very cleverly, these watches marketed themselves as status symbols and accessories only extremely successful individuals can afford.

Yet except for a few brands, more than two-thirds of the components of most Swiss-made watches are assembled in Asia. Some are marked up by almost 1000% more than the manufacturing cost. The thousands of dollars that average buyers spend on watches are used to sponsor multi-million dollar deals with Hollywood celebrities and sports stars. So if you love subtle elegance and prefer good design over expensive hype, Italian watches are just as good and a lot more affordable.