One great way of renovating your house and giving it a fresh and beautiful look is by upgrading to a more natural and less expensive natural rugs. Natural rugs give your house a beautiful airy feeling. It feels light and blends in well with any kind of décor. Besides being soft on your feet, natural fiber’s like sisal and sea grass is also soft on our planet. It creates bare minimum pollution and involves no killing or slaughtering of innocent animals. 

Home décor is not all about money. It is about imagination. You can save a ton with sisal rugs and use the savings to buy or create something which shall be unique, beautiful and authentic.  There are few things in the world, which can match the feel of a soft and smooth rug after a hard day’s work. It relaxes the senses and rejuvenates the mind—all without polluting the environment around you. 

It is a common myth which surrounds sisal rugs that they are coarse and not apt for small kids who usually play on the floor.  The idea is not true and companies like Floorspace offer a variety of rugs, which offer a perfect variety of different rugs which offer a unique look. 

Floorspace Sisal rugs are one such variety where you get to enjoy the durability of sisal fiber and relax in the smoothing softness of the sisal fibers. Another big advantage of these types of rugs is that, they can be dyed with any color to create interesting patterns or designs.

Sisal fiber is obtained from a type of cactus plant known as Agave sisalana commonly found in the arid regions of Brazil and Mexico. Traditionally sisal was used for making twine or ropes, however, nowadays with advanced processing facilities beautiful carpets can be woven from sisal. 

Unlike any other type of rugs, sisal rugs have the unique advantage of being hypo allergic, which means if anyone in your family suffers from dust allergy laying a sisal rug can solve the problem greatly.

At Floorspace you can buy sisal rugs in various different types of weaves. You can opt for tightly woven, delicate rugs for a formal setting like board rooms or banquet halls or you can opt for varieties which help to create a softer feeling for domestic purposes. 

When you place your order from Floorspace you get the opportunity of customizing your rugs. You can specify the shape, design or even add cloth runners on the edges to give your rug a more vibrant and colorful look. Sisal rugs offer consumers a cheap and affordable alternative to synthetic rugs when it comes to decorating huge spaces that cannot be cleaned repeatedly at regular intervals. They are completely natural and helps to make not only your home also the planet more beautiful and durable.