woman runner hold her sports injured leg

Most of us has likely suffered from an unpleasant physical sensation as we twist rapidly or fall ,Sprains and strains are unexceptional or common contusions that contribute similar signs and symptoms,but inculpate in distinct parts of the body.Although sprains and strains are similar but not the same.


Sprain is a wrench or rip in a ligament.when extravagant force is applied to a joint, the fibrous connective tissue that hold the bones together may be damaged and it’s seriousness depends on how frightfully the fibrous connective tissues are torn. It occurs mostly in ankle, knee, wrist and elbow.

Strain is an injury to a muscle. It happens when you stretch a muscle or tendon. Tendons are fibrous cords of tissue that joints muscle to the bone. Strains mainly occur in leg, thigh, and back.


A sprain is usually caused by wound to a joint. Which forces to overstretch the fibrous connective tissue such as hyperextension and hyperflexion.

A strain is commonly the result of excessive movements or overstretching of muscles and tendons. Strains can be acute or chronic. An acute strain is an outcome of immediate twisting or trauma to the muscles. Chronic strains are usually the consequence of repetitive movements in our body.

Sprains and strains most probably to take place when you:-

–Suddenly change movements.

–Experience a blow to a joint.

–Fall awkwardly.

–Collide with an object.

–Over stretching.



Sprains have symptoms more isolate to the injured joint. Common symptoms of sprain include-

  1. Unable to use the affected joint.
  2. Swelling
  3. Brushing
  4. Pain
  5. Inflammation


Strains are very localised to the injury in muscle or tendons. Symptoms of strains include-

  1. Pain in the affected muscle.
  2. Cramping
  3. Inflammation
  4. Muscle spasm.
  5. Weakness in affected muscle.


Mild sprains and strains can be treated in a cautious way that seeks to avoid potential risks by using home medications and over-the-counter medications.

The most important first aid for all sprains and strains is-


  1. Rest- Rest the injured part till it is less painful.
  2. Ice- Cover an ice pack.
  3. Compression- wrap elastic compression bandage.
  4. Elevation- Raise the injured part above heart level to decrease swelling.

A severe sprain or strain may need assessment by a doctor. Joint or edge splitting or immobilisation may be required.

Some serious sprains and strains require physical therapy rehabilitation to heal the tissue and to strengthen the muscle and tendons.

Most of the times, sprains and strains heal completely with requisite treatment,though there will be a chance or possibility of reinjuring the same area again.

How to prevent a sprain or a strain?

It is possible to prevent many sprains and strains from occurring. Some steps to reduce injury risks-

  1. Promote good health.
  2. Wear proper footwears.
  3. Keep household areas safe.
  4. Eat balanced diet to nourish the muscles.
  5. Avoid junk food.
  6. Do exercise daily.
  7. If exhausted, do not participate in sports activities.