Health Benefits Of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an important herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Best known for reducing stress and anxiety, it is also known to improve reproductive health, physical performance and immune system of the human body. Interestingly, every part of ashwagandha – the roots, seed, leaves and flowers are used for medical purpose. Here, let us check out the various health benefits of ashwagandha –

Stress and Anxiety

Ashwagandha is best known for relieving stress and anxiety. This herb has been in use for thousands of years to aid stress, improve concentration and enhance energy levels. By reducing common symptoms of anxiety like sweating, rapid heart beating and nervousness, Ashwagandha can be used to calm one’s mind. It can reduce the stress hormone and can help you sleep better by relieving stress.


Ashwagandha may act as a pain reliever as it comes with anti-inflammatory properties. Interestingly, it is a botanical medicine that has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for joint pain. Animal studies have shown how the herb has the capability of treating inflammation.

Boosts Immunity

Our immunity is worn down by several factors daily and in this modern day it is often due to factors like stress, inflammation and lack of sleep. Ashwagandha has properties that can improved our immunity level and fight against infections. It also possesses antioxidants that can help protect cellular damage that are caused by free radicals.

Heart Health

Some studies have found that ashwagandha can boost heart health and lower cholesterol, high blood pressure and also ease chest pain. However, more studies and research need to be done in order to support these benefits.

Improves Male Fertility

Stress affects the fertility of most men as high stress can lead to low testosterone and a low sperm count. Whether it directly affects the reproductive system or if it’s powerful to bring down stress levels that cause the improvement and production of sperm health is not known, but fact remains that ashwagandha when consumed in prescribed limit can increase sperm volume and motility.

A study revealed how men who consumed ashwagandha for stress related issue showed not just higher antioxidant levels but also better sperm quality. Interestingly, after 3 months of ashwagandha treatment, 14% of the men’s spouses were found to be pregnant.

However, before you take Ashwagandha make sure you consult your ayurvedic doctor because they know how and when can you consume your daily dose of Ashwagandha.

For more such Health Facts on herbs, fruits, seeds and vegetables, visit Health Views, a dedicated health portal that talks about all about health and better living.