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If you have regrets about ever getting your tattoo, worry not because laser tattoo removal makes it possible to eliminate an unwanted tattoo with fewer side effects. A lot of factors make laser tattoo removal one of the safest techniques to use in removing tattoos. Before we look at how lasers work in removing tattoos, it is essential to understand what makes the tattoos permanent.

The tattoo process involves depositing ink into the inner layer of the skin known as the dermis. That ensures that the ink won’t be absorbed by the subcutaneous tissues or eliminated from the skin as the epidermis regenerates naturally. When the ink is deposited, the white blood cells try to absorb and eliminate it just like the body’s immune system does with other foreign bodies. So, with time, the white blood cells eat away the ink’s tiny particles, but most of the ink particles are too large for the white blood cells to remove; therefore, the skin heals around them, and the ink becomes permanent.

How Lasers Remove Tattoos

Now that you know what makes tattoos permanent, it is easy to understand how lasers remove tattoos. A tattoo removal laser from TheLaserTrader works by breaking down the huge particles of the tattoo ink into small particles for the white cells to absorb. A high-intensity light beam is used to heat the ink particle and make it expand, but the zap has to be speedy so that the other half of the ink particle remains cool.

As a result, the conflicting hot and cool temperatures break the ink particles into small pieces whereby the white blood cells absorb and transfer them to the liver for elimination out of the body. As such, tattoo removal lasers need to be fast and operate in a very narrow frequency to break the ink particles uniformly and efficiently.

What Kind Of Tattoos Can Be Removed?

The modern tattoo removal lasers can remove all types of tattoos. But the color and density of the ink, location, and age of the tattoo can influence the outcome. Older tattoos are the easiest to remove because the ink particles have weakened over time, so they are easier to break down. Black ink is also easier to remove because it absorbs the laser beam light well than other colors.

The skin types also influence the tattoo removal process. Darker skin types have more melanin; therefore, it can be hard to target some ink colors. That is why laser tattoo removal should only be carried out by a professional to avoid skin damage.

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Painful?

Just like getting the tattoo in the first place, having the tattoo removed is as painful. Note that the laser light heats the ink to thousand degrees to be able to break the particles down. The good thing is it happens fast, and in a concentrated part, so the energy collapses into a shockwave. However, most tattoo removal specialists provide a cool air system for the cooling air to reduce thermal damage hence a less painful process. You can also apply a topical anesthetics cream before to minimize the pain.

After removing the tattoo, aftercare is vital for a smooth healing process. The area should be kept clean, moisturize, and covered with sterile gauze to promote healing.


As long as it is performed by a professional, laser tattoo removal remains the safest method to remove unwanted ink from the skin.