How To Shift To A More Sustainable And Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Despite what a large strata of population might have you believe, climate change is real. The excess greenhouse gases trapped into the atmosphere are leading to heating up of our earth. The earth in 2020 was 1.19 degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial period. Though this minuscule rise might seem insignificant to the common eyes, it has quite dastardly effects. This excessive heat is leading to the melting of glaciers, intense rainfalls, increased forest fires and droughts. The major portion of this rising trend is because of over-consumption habits of humans. If we do not shift to a more sustainable and Eco-friendly lifestyle soon, this might have incorrigible effects on all life forms.

We try and present you with few simple changes you can bring about in your lifestyle that can you reduce your carbon footprint. These Eco-friendly lifestyle hacks can be your contribution towards helping mitigate the climate change.

1) Eco-Friendly Energy Usage

Eco-Friendly Energy

A major chunk of our non-renewable resources like coal, oil and natural gas are allocated to the production of energy for our daily needs. An average human consumes around 58KWh of energy per day. If that seems insignificant, remember that there are 7.7 billion of us. Listed below are few simple steps we can incorporate in our daily lives to reduce our energy usage. This will put a lot less pressure on world’s energy producers.

  1. Replace all the light bulbs at home with eco-friendly and energy saving alternatives. This not only helps you reduce your energy consumption but also brings down electricity costs.
  2. Invest in energy-saving electronics. Thanks to recent advancements in science and technology, the devices we use at home have become more smart and efficient. Gone are the days of bulky devices which used to guzzle a ton of electricity.
  3. Turn off lights, fans and other electronic devices at home when not in use.
  4. Save on lighting costs during the day by letting as much sun into the house as possible. The natural daylight will eliminate the need for a light bulb.
  5. Dress up in layers at home to avoid excessive heating use during the winters. Heating devices can use too much electricity and put a pressure on your energy consumption. Something as simple as dressing up for the right weather can work wonders.
  6. Similarly, you can open up all the windows in the house for proper ventilation and save on cooling costs.
  7. Avoid taking long showers and save as much water as possible during the day to day activities.

2) Reduce Plastic Use

We’re all acquainted to the horrors of plastic in the natural world. Their non-biodegradable and polluting nature is a serious cause of concern for everyone. Let us look at few ways through which we can completely eliminate plastic from our lives.

  1. Reuse all existing plastic containers at home without buying new ones. If you need to buy any containers at all invest in glass, metal or silicone ones. They last much longer and don’t pollute the environment. As an added benefit, no toxins leech into the food.
  2. Avoid getting plastic grocery bags at the store and use a cloth bag. You can carry cloth bags for all your shopping needs.
  3. Use as less paper as possible. Though paper is biodegradable, its production process is hardly eco-friendly. It leads to the loss of full grown trees which is not ideal. Move all important work online.
  4. Instead of buying bottled water everywhere you go, drink directly from the tap. If that’s not an option, carry your own metal or glass water bottles. Those can be refilled and used countless times.

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3) Food Consumption

The agricultural industry contributes to around 30% of all global greenhouse emissions. Out of this 14.5% is only the meat industry. Though agriculture is an important industry and downsizing it is almost impossible, there are few steps that can be taken to help reduce its share of emissions.

  1. According to an UN report, around 17% of the food produced globally is wasted. If this insensitive waste of food can be eliminated, it can help feed a lot of people. Reduce wastage of food as much as possible at home.
  2. Reduce consumption of meat and dairy. As discussed earlier, roughly 15% of all greenhouse gases are emitted by the meat and dairy industry.
  3. Eat local and eat seasonal. Eating food which is locally grown and seasonally available will save energy in transportation. There will be no need to export exotic fruits and vegetables.
  4. Prefer organically grown food. Organic produce is grown without using chemicals which is good for the environment. Organic growers practice Eco-friendly methods in their farms which benefits the earth in the long run.
  5. Avoid buying food products with excessive packaging. Choose brands which use sustainable packaging methods. Carry your own cloth grocery bags wherever you can for shopping.
  6. Start a small veggie garden at home. It can be either on your garden or terrace. It can easily feed few people. Use the waste food scraps to make compost for your garden.

4) Eco-friendly Transportation


Over 90% of all transportation in the world runs on products of fossil fuels like gasoline, petrol and diesel. As we are all aware, burning of fossil fuel releases a ton of CO2 in the atmosphere which remains trapped there, heating the earth.

  1. Use public transport as much as possible. Public transport has the capability to transport a lot of people once at the same rate of emission. Second option is to carpool with friends and family.
  2. If public transport is not readily available and you definitely need to use your own vehicle, invest in Eco-friendly options in CNG, Bio-diesel and electric vehicles. These have far lesser carbon footprint than petroleum based vehicles.
  3. Alternatively you can also walk or ride a bicycle to shorter distances.

5) Clothing and Fashion

Clothing is a necessity. It helps us protect our bodies against the external forces of nature. But in this post-industrial day and age, clothing has become more of a status symbol than necessity. Fast fashion is one of the biggest polluters of this planet. Not to forget the horrid human rights violations in 3rd world sweat-shops.

  1. Do not fall prey to fast fashion. Buy only what you need. Your excess clothes end up in the landfill and pollute the environment. Less is always better.
  2. Buy long lasting clothes. Cheap clothes offer no value. Donate your good clothes to people or organisations working in the field.
  3. Always try to buy as much as from sustainable and ethical fashion brands.

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Listed above are just the few areas of your life where you can make simple changes. There are a lot more avenues of your life where you can make conscious changes. These changes will be your contribution towards creating a better place for the future generation. Climate change is a very eminent threat looming over all lifeforms of earth. Scientists and experts have been warning us since decades. It is only fair we start doing our part so save our home.