When it comes to dandruff problems, the major symptoms are flakiness and an itchy scalp. But there are some other symptoms that can also happen like tingling skin and greasy patches.

The major underlying cause of dandruff formation is dry skin of scalp, sensitivity to daily hair products and hair styling products and the growth of a specific kind of fungus that lives on the scalp. Excess dandruff can also lead to hair fall. Ketomac shampoo hair fall can be used to solve this problem. Or else, one can go for natural remedies which can be equally effective.

Here are some simple home remedies that one can try to get rid of dandruff.

Tea Tree Oil

This is very essential when it comes to skin treatments. It is used to cure a lot of ailments like psoriasis and acne. This oil has some anti microbial and anti inflammatory properties which may help to alleviate the symptoms of dandruff. This oil is very active in fighting a specific strain of fungus that can cause dermatitis or dandruff. One needs to mix at least 5 percent of tea tree oil in their regular shampoo and then use it. This reduces the severity of greasiness and itchiness. But if one has sensitive skin then tea tree oil can cause irritation. Then one can mix coconut oil with this tea tree oil before applying it on the scalp.

 Coconut Oil

This oil helps to improve the skin hydration process and so it can prevent dryness which is a major cause of dandruff. It is also used to treat eczema which is another condition and it may contribute to dandruff. If one can apply coconut oil on a regular basis for at least 2 months then it can reduce the symptom for at least 68 percent.

Aloe Vera

This is a type of succulent and it is frequently added to cosmetics, skin ointments and lotions.  This is said to help in healing the skin conditions like cold sores, burns and psoriasis. But not only this. It has a lot of anti fungal and anti bacterial properties which could help in protecting against dandruff. In can keep the fungal infection in control and it can also stop the problem of hair loss.

Minimize Stress Levels

This is very much needed. It is not a home remedy but controlling stress can help one to prevent a lot of bad things. Stress never directly causes dandruff but it can increase the dryness of scalp which can eventually lead to dandruff formation. If you have a weak immune system, then also it can contribute t bad skin conditions and dandruffs.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is associated with a lot of health benefits. This is also a natural remedy for dandruff. The acidity of apple cider vinegar is believed to stimulate the shedding of dead skin cells on the scalp. It also balances the ph of the scalp.

Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo can help to reduce the white flakes that can cause embarrassment.