What are stem cells?

Stem cells are the cells that are able to differentiate into other cells, as they have this unique property. They develop into many other cells during our lifetime. They repair and keep our body up and at it. They are very different from other cells as they are able to renew themselves through cell division and they can be induced and specified to function for a particular tissue or organ.

Two kinds of stem cells are found in mammals:

  1. Embryonic stem cells- These are obtained from the embryo during the blastocyst phase. These are the embryos that are extra during the process of IVF. The undifferentiated cells in the embryo can be used to create specialized cells.
  2. Somatic stem cells or Adult stem cells- These exist throughout the body and are found in different kinds of tissue such as bone marrow, blood, skin, liver, etc. They remain undivided until the need arrives due to an injury or disease.

Research on Stem cells:

The interest in stem cells is fascinating as they can be specialized to function in any part of our body. It is actively researched as to how cells replicate from single to multiple cells which replace the damaged cells. They may not have one particular function, and that is what makes them very unique and advantageous. Stem cell research is very close to finding a breakthrough in the medical field.

What is stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy is the trend which is catching up in the medical industry, as it has the potential to treat and cure various kinds of disorders, life-threatening or otherwise. It is the use of stem cells present usually in the bone marrow, to treat diseases or conditions. It has been especially effective in patients with Leukemia. It is still a whole new genre of treatment which is constantly under research and exploration by medical experts. Stem cell therapy in India has also been caught by the eyes of many doctors and hospitals that are providing a major funding of their research development into finding out the specialty of stem cells.

In practice:

For over 30 years, bone marrow transplant has been a common method to treat blood cancer, otherwise known as Leukemia. There is another process called Prochymal to manage graft vs. host diseases in children. The umbilical cord properties are also being used to treat several blood and immunity related diseases.

Application of the therapy:

It can be applied in various fields of medical study such as Neurodegeneration issues like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis etc. Brain-related issues like stroke, or spinal cord injury, heart-related issues, teeth, vision, Pancreas, Healing of wounds, HIV/ AIDS, and even blood cell formation, amongst many other fields.

It may not be a conventional method yet, and might also be a very expensive procedure but it does seem like an integral part of the future of Medical science all over the world. Parents can preserve children’s stem cells for future use and need.